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Super Bowl Betting Promos & Betting Offers: Last Chance To Claim These Bonuses

All of the painfully long media days have come and gone – today is Super Bowl 57, and you can use all of the best Super Bowl betting promos to walk away from the big game with some cash in your pocket. There are several Super Bowl betting promos and specialized bets from the top sportsbooks in North America – FanDuel, DraftKings, Caesars, PointsBet, and BetRivers – and you can find them here while you get set for the big game as Jalen Hurts and the Philadelphia Eagles take on Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs.

Super Bowl LVII will be played at State Farm Arena in Glendale Arizona, and we make it as easy as possible for you to make smart decisions when you wager your money. Are you looking at props from the rookies (Isiah Pacheco, O/U 46.5 rushing yards), or are you taking a look at some lesser-known players who might make an impact on the game (Kenneth Gainwell, O/U 19.5 rushing yards)? Or are you just looking at a few novelty props? Find an edge with your bets and build your bankroll with several Super Bowl betting promos.

Top Super Bowl Betting Promos and Bonus Codes  

Below you will find a comprehensive list of all the top Super Bowl promo codes and bonuses for first-time customers to get set for the big game. Seize these promo code opportunities, build your bankroll, and find some value in each sportsbook’s special bets to see strong returns on game day.

DraftKings Super Bowl Betting Promos

DraftKings: Bet $5 on the Super Bowl, Get $200 in bet credits offer

Make sure to CLICK HERE to sign up for the DraftKings Super Bowl betting bonus. All you have to do is sign up, place your first bet of at least $5, and if your initial wager loses, DraftKings will reward you with your initial stake back in bet credits. These credits can’t be immediately withdrawn and must be played through, but are a good way to build your bankroll moving forward. Make sure to read all of the terms and conditions prior to playing! Specialized bets include “All the Glory,” where you can bet on a walk-off field goal to win the game at +750. Other examples include “Doink?” where you can bet on a field goal to hit the upright or crossbar at +450, and “Tuddy Time,” where you can wager on a touchdown being scored in every quarter, which is priced in at +110.

FanDuel Super Bowl Betting Promos

FanDuel: No-Sweat First Bet up to $3000

Make sure you CLICK HERE to sign up for the FanDuel Super Bowl betting bonus. Once you opt in on the promotions page, you simply have to wager a minimum of $5, and if your first bet loses, FanDuel will reward you with bet credits equal to your initial stake. These bonus bets can’t be immediately withdrawn. Make sure you read all the terms and conditions prior to playing! FanDuel also has a hundreds of betting options for the Super Bowl to get started with. It has the highly anticipated Rob Gronkowski “Kick of Destiny” promotion for the Super Bowl. To opt in, all you have to do is place a pregame wager of at least $5. If Gronkowski makes the 25-yard field goal during the third quarter, you’ll be eligible for a share of the $10 million in bonus bets available. You will likely get between $5 and $20, depending on how much you wagered pregame.

Caesars Super Bowl Betting Promos

Caesars: $1250 First-Bet Insurance

To qualify, CLICK HERE and sign up for the Caesars Super Bowl betting bonus. Like other top sportsbooks bonuses, Caesars offers you with a sweat-free first bet. If your initial bet loses, the sportsbook will reward you with your stake back in the form of bet credits. These credits aren’t available for immediate withdrawal, make sure you read all the terms and conditions before playing! Caesars also goes a step further and gives its first-time customers 1000 Tier Credits and 1000 Reward Credits to use at Caesars resorts (hotel, dining and entertainment activities). In terms of specialized bets, Caesars is the only sportsbook to offer Squares, which gives you tremendous value (+2000) if you can predict the last digit of each team’s final score.

PointsBet Super Bowl Betting Promos

PointsBet: $500 in Second-Chance Bets

CLICK HERE to qualify. Place a fixed-odds wager for five days, and receive bet credits up to $100 each day if your initial bet loses. Bet credits cannot be withdrawn and will be credited to your account within 24 hours. Remember, your bet credits expire within seven days of you receiving them. Make sure to read all the terms and conditions before playing. On top of the Super Bowl betting bonus, PointsBet allows you to make your own lines for the big game. Easily change the value of the over/under with their slider that allows you to go over or under the industry-standard total. You can do the same for the spread and for other primary markets.

BetRivers Super Bowl Betting Promos

BetRivers: Second-Chance Bets up to $500

CLICK HERE to qualify. BetRivers is offering its first-time customers a sweat-free bet up to $500. Meaning once you have signed up while entering the promo code, you’ll be eligible for up to $500 worth of bet credits if your first wager misses. If your first bet is $100, you’ll be rewarded with $100 worth of bonus bets. Remember, these bet credits must be played through and cannot be withdrawn right away. Enjoy this incredible Super Bowl betting bonus today and be sure to read all of the terms and conditions before playing. Some special offers include the outcome of the first coaches challenge, which is priced up to +105 for a play to be overturned. Other fun specials include whether the game will or will not end in a Scorigami – that is, a score the NFL has never seen before. Get in on all the action and use the Super Bowl promo code!

Super Bowl LVII Betting

The storylines are endless for Super Bowl 57 between the Philadelphia Eagles (-1.5) and the Kansas City Chiefs. Can Patrick Mahomes throw for over 290.5 yards and break down one of the best defenses in the NFL? Can Jalen Hurts pick his spots and rush for over 49.5 yards on the ground? Will he be an anytime touchdown scorer (+120)? Which one of the Kelce brothers will be hoisting the Lombardi Trophy come game’s end, Jason or Travis? Make sure to take advantage of these Super Bowl betting promos and get into the game! Kickoff is just moments away!